Pass Stickers

Pass Stickers are powerful customisation options for your League Passes. Any League Pass will unlock a Pass Sticker Slot every 10 levels, starting at level 5.

Pass Stickers are digital collectibles and can be traded on an open marketplace, or the Secondary marketplace.

Pass Stickers can be acquired through:

  • The Marketplace, within randomised packs

  • Trading with other players

  • Crafting (Future)

Pass Stickers List

There will be over 100 types of Pass Stickers to build a custom strategy for each League!

The following types of Pass Stickers will be available:

  • Consumable power: The Consumables used with this Pass have a stronger effect.

  • Attribute upgrade: The Pass has improved prediction points for specific aspects of the predictions (home wins, 3+ goal matches, etc.).

  • Meta upgrades: Modifies the experience gains of the Pass and Avatars; results in getting extra Team Stickers or Crafting components when predicting correctly...

The complete list is available at the following link:

πŸ”— List of Pass Stickers

Pass Stickers Rarity

Pass Stickers will follow the same Rarity system as League Passes - from Uncommon to Ultimate.

Players are allowed to place any Pass Sticker on any Pass, regardless of Rarity.

Pass Sticker Rarity Upgrade

Pass Sticker Rarity can be upgraded by spending SRD.

Pass Stickers can also be burnt and grant back a percentage of their value, expressed in SRD.

Removing or Replacing a Pass Sticker

Players will be able to remove a Pass Sticker from their League Pass. Doing so will cost 25% of the base price of the Pass Sticker, expressed in RUSH.

Alternatively, when Pass Stickers rarity is upgraded, the resulting new Pass Sticker is removed from the League Pass for free and can be redeployed as the player wishes.

Marketplace offerings

Packs composition and pricing are likely to change regularly.

Pass Stickers will come in 2 forms:

  • Packs featuring items of various rarities, up to Legendary.

  • Rotating, limited supply stock.

The price of a given Pass Sticker is currently set to be ~20% of the price of a League Pass of the corresponding Rarity - which means 4 SRD for an Uncommon Pass Sticker.

When opening a Pack, you will have the following probabilities when opening:

  • 60% chance to pull a Consumable Power Sticker.

  • 30% chance to pull an Attribute Sticker.

  • 10% chance to pull a Meta Sticker.

Last updated

Pooky 2022 - Internal & Confidential - All rights reserved. This document is indicative, and subject to changes without prior information.