

Development of the Mobile Beginner core gameplay, as a native mobile application.

This part is for visibility and is not thoroughly detailed in this whitepaper, which focuses on the PRO Game. The current Pooky Pro game remains playable until phase 2.1 is ready to complete.

This will be released in four steps:

  • A playtest version, on a private invitation

  • An alpha version, available to all current players

  • A beta release, available widely

  • A global release, available widely

This phase will include:

  • Core game systems: Boosters, League unlocks, Team Stickers

  • Matchday and Monthly competitions

  • Private and Public groups of players


Development of the Mobile Pro core loop, as a native mobile application. Introduction of the RUSH currency. Read more within $RUSH and RUSH section.

  • The transition from the existing Pooky gameplay to the mobile application. See the dedicated section Update to current Pooky players.

  • Core systems:

    • League Pass item

    • Team Stickers system

    • Matchday and Monthly competitions

    • Booster gameplay

    • Booster generators

  • Two currencies of the game

    • RUSH rewards and convertibility to ScoreRushDollars

    • 1 ScoreRushDollars will be worth 1 USD. They can also be purchased through crypto, at a variable exchange rate.


Development of Mobile Pro gameplay upgrades. Prioritization might change based on player feedback.

  • Core systems:

    • Pass Stickers

    • Avatar Skill Tree

    • Avatar equipment system

    • Crafting (Basics)

  • Internal secondary marketplace to allow player-to-player item trading


Development of the Mobile Pro blockchain functionalities. Launch of our native ERC20 token, ScoreRushToken, nicknamed $RUSH. Read more within the TOKENOMICS - $RUSH, ScoreRushTokensection.

  • Assets become available as NFT and can be traded out of ScoreRush on third-party marketplaces

  • Emission of the $RUSH

    • Creation of liquidity pairs between $RUSH and major crypto-currencies

    • Swap system to exchange 1 RUSH with 1 $RUSH at any time


  • Core systems:

    • Guilds

    • Expansion of crafting

    • Upcoming ranking system update: Divisions

Last updated

Pooky 2022 - Internal & Confidential - All rights reserved. This document is indicative, and subject to changes without prior information.